Moon phase currently is Last Quarter, with 43.6% illumination and 404,476.79 kilometers away from earth. At the end of today the moon will have 37.29% illumination and be 403,291.66 kilometers away from the earth.
Local time | 7:46:05 AM EST |
Phase | Last Quarter |
Illumination | 43.6% Visible |
Rise/Set | 01:11 AM / 11:28 AM |
Moon Age | 22.75 Days |
Constellation | ♓ Pisces |
Moon Angular | 28.21º |
Moon Distance | 404,476.79 km |
On the map | 17°43'S, 106°35'S |
Today, the moonrise time is 1:11:00 AM EST, and the moonset time is 11:28:00 AM EST, so between rising and setting, the moon lasts for 10 hours and 17 minutes.
Currently, 43.6% of the moon is illuminated. Moonlight can be seen on a map as a soft, silvery light that reflects off the surface of the map. A silvery reflection may appear more or less pronounced depending on how the moon is illuminated.
Observation of the moon from the beginning of the day until the end of the day
Local time | Phase | Visibility | Constellation | Direction |
12:00 AM | Last Quarter | 46.65% | ♓ Pisces | 125.13634206552ºSE |
2:00 AM | Last Quarter | 45.86% | ♓ Pisces | 137.40689313087ºSE |
4:00 AM | Last Quarter | 45.07% | ♓ Pisces | 157.00093574597ºSSE |
6:00 AM | Last Quarter | 44.29% | ♓ Pisces | 183.65631240586ºS |
8:00 AM | Last Quarter | 43.51% | ♓ Pisces | 208.63335119626ºSSW |
10:00 AM | Last Quarter | 42.72% | ♓ Pisces | 225.6228629484ºSW |
12:00 PM | Last Quarter | 41.94% | ♓ Pisces | 236.17096775217ºSW |
2:00 PM | Last Quarter | 41.16% | ♓ Pisces | 242.92979453725ºWSW |
4:00 PM | Last Quarter | 40.38% | ♓ Pisces | 247.51324690413ºWSW |
6:00 PM | Last Quarter | 39.61% | ♓ Pisces | 250.78812150012ºWSW |
8:00 PM | Last Quarter | 38.83% | ♓ Pisces | 112.31080728096ºESE |
10:00 PM | Last Quarter | 38.06% | ♓ Pisces | 117.01835849505ºESE |